Friday, July 1, 2011

The Rest of June

I've only read four more books this month. With a cousin reunion in California and preparing for our family get-together in early July, I found my reading taking place mostly late at night. Two of the books were passed on to my sister before I could form my thoughts about them, but I'll try to remember a bit about both.

Other People's Children - Joanna Trollope - A story about "extended families" and the repercussions when a parent marries, has children, divorces and then marries someone new who has also married, had children, divorced etc.  Following the lives of the children and the parents was sad, but I'm often what happens. I thought this was a good book, but as my husband says "Not a Jane Austen."

The King of Liars - John Hart - I found the plot of this mystery to be quite good, but the flowery prose left me very irritated. Hart seemed to be trying too hard with his descriptions of a woman crying. Why not just say she was crying instead of saying "silver tracks made their way down her cheeks." Maybe he is paid by the word because most of the book is filled with these things! But the story itself was okay...

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