Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We have been under attack for a week with much pounding on the roof. Our shake roof only lasted a bit over 13 years, thanks to the dampness and the towering trees shedding their needles. So this is the summer to re-roof, and it has taken quite a while. The rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat is becoming a real distraction. I'm finding it difficult to read for more than a few minutes at a time, and have had to do most of my reading in bed. So it took me a long time to finish These Lovers Fled Away but it was worth every minute of reading. 

I know I read Spring's book years and years ago, but didn't remember any of it. It is somewhat reminiscent of Delderfield's books in that the characters develop along the way in a detailed plot. The descriptions of England are fantastic. This is not the England we saw when we traveled there  ten years ago, but the England of the 1910s to 1940s. I most definitely recommend reading These Lovers Fled Away, if you want to immerse yourself in a "jolly good tale."


  1. What are you replacing it with? Asphalt? Metal?
    I haven't read the Spring book, though funny you should mention Delderfield. I recently bought God is an Englishman on the Kindle. I read quite a bit but then put it down (for a while, I think- not forever). I'm not sure how well I think the historical/personal tale works. But I'll go back sometime and finish.

  2. Nan, we've replaced the roof with asphalt. I was afraid I wouldn't like it, but it's fine.

    I read all the Delderfield books years ago. My favorite, I think, was "To Serve Them All My Days." It was made into a Masterpiece Theatre show, and was very good. I have all the books now, bought at our library book sale for 50cents each, and keep thinking I'll re-read them - but there are always new books to read!
