Sunday, August 1, 2010


We are finally getting back to a somewhat normal existence with the rooms painted and the furniture and furnishings back in place. A few pictures need re-hanging, but as Bill says - we have time to do that when we "get around to it." I feel as if we've moved into a new home - almost! The colors are just right. Our wonderful painter only took four days to do the job, and it was quite a big one. The very high ceiling in the "great room" as well as the 9' ceilings in the rest of the downstairs made for a challenge for him, and he did it all by himself!

We spent a good part of our days in the library/office room on our computers while the painting was being done. Bill has been making note cards to sell for our after-school program - The Kids Zone - so for the past several months we have traveled to various parts of Oregon for him to photograph Oregon's covered bridges. We'll be off again soon to get shots of four more. He'll have taken pictures of forty-seven bridges by then, with only three more to finish. Many of the bridges fell into disuse or neglect, but fifty remain and an Oregon Covered Bridge Society was formed to keep those remaining in repair. His photography has taken us over a variety of back roads and country vistas we hadn't seen before, and while he climbed up and down river banks to get that perfect view, I was able to read and enjoy the quiet.

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