Thursday, August 18, 2011


I've recently read two very different books, and both were quite good. The first one I finished was another Norse mystery by Hakan Nesser, Borkmann's Point, and the second was A Year on Ladybug Farm by Donna Ball.

Well, the Nesser book was again a very good, slow-paced story, with a surprise ending. I've enjoyed his writing, and find it very interesting that most of the Scandinavian mysteries I've read are usually less violent than American "thrillers."  

A Year on Ladybug Farm is very funny and fun. I was expecting a fluffy read, but while it isn't terribly deep, it has lots of episodes that had me laughing so hard I had tears running down my cheeks, and had to keep wiping my eyes so that I could continue reading! 

When I was first learning to read back in the olden days, we had Readers in school with Tom, Dick and Jane. One of my favorite stories has stayed with me for years. It was about the three or four young people wanting to help a struggling family. I expect the story was written during the Depression. The children gathered up food to take to the family, as well as helping them out in other ways. That reading experience gave to me the idea of not just helping, but "making do" with what was available. Ladybug Farm is the adult version of helping out and making do - with lots of humor thrown in. 

There are two more Ladybug books, and I can hardly wait to read them. Laughter is such a necessary part of life, and such fun to find it in writing!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thank you for both these titles! I hadn't heard of either one. I don't remember any of the stories in the Dick and Jane books but those drawings I sure do recall. Occasionally I see them now, and I so love them. Recently they were framed and on a bedroom wall in a magazine.
